Diametrul carcasei: 2.5 cm.
Lungimea curelei: 20.6 cm.
Ceasurile functioneaza pe baza de baterie.
Nu conţin nichel
pretul de catalog 40 lei
pretul meu 45 lei cu transport inclus.
am adaugat 5 lei ptr transport deoarce le pot trimite doar prin prioripost fiind obiecte fragile,si eu dau cam 10 lei ptr expediere.
mai ai ceas asa?
RăspundețiȘtergereWater Hack Burns 2 lb of Fat OVERNIGHT
RăspundețiȘtergereAt least 160000 men and women are trying a easy and secret "water hack" to lose 1-2lbs every night as they sleep.
It is very simple and works with everybody.
This is how to do it yourself:
1) Take a drinking glass and fill it half full
2) Now follow this weight loss hack
and be 1-2lbs lighter as soon as tomorrow!